The seductive beauty of a mutant Philip flower

Since ancient times, orchids have been known as royal flowers with their beautiful beauty that captivated people's hearts and have entered many poems and works of art that have been handed down to posterity. So what is the criteria of a beautiful mutant Philip flower? Below is an article shared by the community of orchid lovers.

The enchanting beauty of a philippine flower

First of all, the beautiful spring rolls must be the wrong ones, but not too sparse or too thick. The structure of flower distribution on flower branches is harmonious and balanced, showing off flowers. This is the first criterion to decide on a beautiful flower spring. A piggy bank with a cotton ball not only represents the happy swaying of butterflies, but also the crowd, prosperity, and warmth of the homeowner.



However, the old people still say: " One color, Second incense, Three body, Four leaves ". Thus, the beauty of orchids is still ranked first as the standard. Therefore, in terms of dandelion flowers, we have the following criteria.

About the cotton mold:  The flower mold is most beautiful when: The petals are distributed in harmony and balance. The three outer sepals form an isosceles triangle or an equilateral triangle. The apex of the triangle points at 12 o'clock, the two wings on either side indicate eight o'clock, and the other indicates four o'clock. Soft curvature. When blooming, the cotton wings are slightly bent back, not too curved or too twisted. The two shoulder blades fly up so as not to obscure the two lower wings, one at 10 o'clock or near 10 o'clock, the other at 2 o'clock or more than 2 o'clock. The heart-shaped lips are tapered at 6 o'clock.

Looking at the whole front of each flower, we see the shape as two triangles lying in a circle or almost round. The wings evenly divide one wing without obscuring the other. The length and width of the wings are well balanced. The wide-hugging petals create a warm, harmonious connection. The flower nose does not fall. Fat nose straight from the inside out at 6 o'clock. The eyes appear balanced.

About petals: Petals include 5 petals, upper sepals, 2 lower sepals and 2 shoulder petals. The difference between the large and small wings is not too large. Wings include the following sets: Apricot Wing, Lotus Wing, Fairy Wing and Bamboo Wing. (Currently, the scallops with apricot wings are still considered the best looking, balanced and beautiful. Next is the gourd wing and then the fairy wing).

Petal substance: Wax petals, Paper petals, Wind petals. The color of the beautiful petals is to create the background so that the eyes and nose of the flower are harmonized to be the most beautiful. Thick wings will be appreciated. Ribbed wings running evenly, harmoniously, clearly balanced, contrasting with wing color will be appreciated

Wing shape: Flying flamingo (Jia Crane) represents the shape of a flying butterfly or a flying crane. Therefore, the outfit determines the beauty of the cotton. The petals are slightly curved towards the flower stalk to show off the flying form of a Butterfly or Crane. However, flying wings too much are not considered beautiful. Flat wings, large cotton, wide flat shoulders, light color without opaque will be appreciated

In addition, the color of the wings is very important, beautiful wings are the wings that create the background for the nose, eyes and cotton tongue. 5 pure white wings are the most appreciated mutant, purple wings all have their own characteristics, light pink lips are relatively complete, lightning wings are special.

About flower eyes: There are many eye shapes: deer eyes, buffalo eyes, cow eyes, crab eyes. But need to match the cotton mold, wing color to create the overall harmony.

Flower eyes are divided into many types: scratched brick eyes, blurred eyes, dark eyes. The scratched brick eyes that stand out on a white background are excellent.

Eye color: having the same color or contrasting with the color of the petals, this part, depending on the flower variety, will produce its own beauty, the unique point of the flower's eyes.

About the flower nose (pistil pillar): Phi Phi Phi has the following common nose sets: White nose, Purple nose, and Pink nose. Currently the most popular is White Nose and then Pink Nose, because these nose flowers are usually only found in white or pink winged mutants.

About the flower tongue: The most beautiful tongue texture is heart-shaped, to the round tongue, to the long tongue. In addition, it depends on the quality of the tongue to evaluate such as flat tongue, snow tongue, chalk tongue. Currently, 5ct mutant flowers with flat blades or roses with chalk blades are considered beautiful. These flowers are popular with many players and want to collect and breed.

About Throat - Lobe - Flower spur: Hoa Phi Phap  now has a tube throat, a negative throat, a closed throat, an open throat. The clearly ribbed white throat line is appreciated. A clean throat that is not stained is often favored and appreciated. The spur of the flower is 2 lines located below the flower tip.

When it comes to philippines, an indispensable point is the scent. The stronger the scent, the more seductive it is. Show the nobility of the owner. In addition to the criteria of beautiful philippines, there are also unique and strange criteria. This criterion alone is for everyone's self-worth. A beautiful pot of scallops when there is a harmonious balance of style and color. Especially with a pleasant, attractive fragrance.





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