EuroCham Vietnam High-Rise Building Forum in Ho Chi Minh City Discusses the Future of Urban Living

07/06/2024 16:33

On May 28, the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham Vietnam) and its Construction Subcommittee co-organized the High-Rise Building Forum in Ho Chi Minh City. The event, supported by the city's Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, gathered numerous stakeholders from the construction industry and government officials to discuss the challenges and opportunities for sustainable urban development in Vietnam.

Delegates attending the 2024 High-Rise Building Forum (Photo: EuroCham)

According to the Forum's Organizing Committee, rapidly developing cities in Vietnam face the significant challenge of balancing fast growth with environmental protection. The High-Rise Building Forum was held to find solutions to this challenge and create useful dialogues about technology and strategies to ensure Vietnam's urban expansion is swift, robust, and environmentally responsible.

Established in 1998, EuroCham Vietnam asserts itself as the unified voice of the European business community in Vietnam. EuroCham represents businesses ranging from SMEs to multinational corporations, playing a crucial role in shaping policy dialogues, promoting bilateral trade and investment, and strengthening economic ties between the European community and Vietnam, especially within the framework of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). EuroCham Vietnam has a network of 1,400 members and operates as an "association of associations," comprising nine prominent European business associations in Vietnam.

In his opening speech at the Forum, the new Chairman of EuroCham Vietnam, Dominik Meichle, shared that international cooperation is fundamental to achieving operational goals. He emphasized, "The Forum is a unique opportunity for Vietnam and the European community to discuss the state of cities. Through collaboration, we can build urban environments that are not only impressive but also more environmentally conscious."

EuroCham Vietnam Chairman, Dominik Meichle, opens the Forum (Photo: EuroCham)

This sentiment was echoed by the Chairman of EuroCham's Construction Subcommittee, Michel Cassagnes. He stated that sustainable development is a shared responsibility and that "the future of cities depends on our collective commitment. We need to build smarter cities, not just larger ones," highlighting that the Forum has paved the way for “approaches that benefit both the economy and the environment.”

Government representatives and industry companies actively participated in discussions, enriching the sessions with their insights on advanced technologies, sustainable building materials, and innovative design strategies. The Forum featured lively sessions aimed at addressing urgent issues such as integrating high-rise buildings into existing urban landscapes, ensuring affordability and inclusiveness, and especially minimizing environmental impact.

Martin Brisson, Executive Director of EuroCham Cambodia, attended the Forum and expressed enthusiasm: “We are thrilled to co-host the High-Rise Building Forum again with our partners from EuroCham Vietnam. We will explore the importance of sustainability in modern construction, the legal environment, and prospects for future high-rise buildings. We are proud to showcase some of the finest works by Cambodian architecture students.”

The commitment to sustainable urban development has transcended Vietnam’s borders. EuroCham Cambodia will continue to organize similar forums in late May 2024 in Phnom Penh, emphasizing that the European business community's ongoing contributions to responsible growth and innovation will spread across Southeast Asia.

EuroCham's influence is strengthened by its extensive network of 20 subcommittees. These subcommittees provide expertise, policy recommendations, and organize specialized dialogues, ensuring that the concerns and perspectives of various sectors are carefully considered, thereby shaping a cross-sectoral agenda to enhance the overall impact of key national efforts in attracting green FDI.

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